Good Natured Gardening: Plants that deter mosquitoes

Good Natured Gardening: Plants that deter mosquitoes

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls mosquitoes the “world’s deadliest animal.” It’s a weighty moniker for an insect that weighs just 2.5 milligrams, but it’s well deserved because vector-borne diseases, including those transmitted by mosquitoes, cause more than 700,000 deaths worldwide every year. According to the University of Alaska, “the oldest mosquito…

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Rooting tomato plants for a late crop

Rooting tomato plants for a late crop

As heat, humidity, rains, diseases and insects increase during summer months, tomato production naturally declines. Entire plants may begin to die — but it is possible to start new tomato plants from cuttings/suckers to produce a fall crop. On tomatoes, suckers are found in the axil of the stems. Any cuttings (suckers) should be disease-…

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