Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Dan Evans Nicholas Otto Generally speaking, I believe myself to be a calm, rational person. I suspect most people think that about themselves, YouTube videos of public freakouts notwithstanding.  But like so many, I recently found myself at the business end of some pointed emotions — anger, disappointment and despair — at this most joyous-slash-stressful time of…

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LL Flooring’s sales fall in second quarter

LL Flooring’s sales fall in second quarter

With consumers still reluctant to launch home improvement projects, and still not familiar with its new name, and U.S. Customs still delaying shipments under the federal law aimed ending forced labor of China’s Uyghur people, Henrico County-based LL Flooring Holding had another tough quarter. The company, formerly known as Lumber Liquidators, said second-quarter sales fell…

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