Can you water plants with dehumidifier water? Here’s what the gardening experts have to say

Can you water plants with dehumidifier water? Here’s what the gardening experts have to say

Kitchen sink and counter, wooden ladder shelf with plants displayed

If you’re the proud owner of a dehumidifier as well as a plant parent, it’s probably crossed your mind whether you can kill two birds with one stone and repurpose your dehumidifier water.

If you’ve been struggling with damp and poor air quality, there’s a chance you’ve gone down the dehumidifier rabbit hole, opting to invest in the best dehumidifier for your needs. However, who doesn’t love finding dual purposes for your appliances?

Using your dehumidifier water for your plants seems like a good idea, in theory, but of course, it pays to ensure that it’s safe before you accidentally commit a garden watering mistake you’ll regret. Here’s what the experts had to say on the matter.

Can you water plants with dehumidifier water? Here’s what the gardening experts have to say

Kitchen sink and counter, wooden ladder shelf with plants displayed

Can you water plants with dehumidifier water?

‘If you’re looking to be super savvy when it comes to watering your plants, re-purposing the water from your dehumidifier can be a sustainable way to care for them,’ says Jo Lambell, founder of Beards and Daisies.

‘What’s important to understand is that the water you’ll find in your dehumidifier is known as ‘grey water’. This refers to any domestic wastewater that might contain some bacteria, but is safe for use on plants and even your lawn.’

This is great news for us as it doubles up as a budget garden idea, as well as a lawn care tip that’s basically free.

Wooden floored hallway with open white front door, daybed with cushions, flowers in pots and wallpapered wall

Wooden floored hallway with open white front door, daybed with cushions, flowers in pots and wallpapered wall

‘In fact, there are certain plants that really thrive on grey water,’ Jo adds. If you’re caring for an orchid, you’ll be glad to know that dehumidifier water can work a charm. Some other examples include the Bird of Paradise and the Yucca Plant Calatheas.

‘This is because this water closely resembles natural water sources such as rain, which these plants are used to in their natural habitats.’

Houseplants in rattan pots next to bathtub

Houseplants in rattan pots next to bathtub

However, Chris Bonnett, founder of Gardening Express, flags some factors to consider before going wild with your dehumidifier water.

Dehumidifier water is a bit like rainwater in the sense that the air inside your home should be clean. ‘If you plan on using dehumidifier water for your plants, it’s important to ensure that your home is free of bacteria and mould so that the water remains uncontaminated,’ says Chris.

‘It’s also important to keep in mind that the water collected from the dehumidifier should be used relatively soon after collection to reduce the risk of microbial growth.’

Wooden shelves displaying various colourful decorative items and houseplants

Wooden shelves displaying various colourful decorative items and houseplants

Additionally, since dehumidifier water is not suitable for consumption, Chris adds that you should avoid using it on plants you’re growing for food, such as herbs and home-grown fruits and vegetables.

For the plants you are planning to use it on, Jack Sutcliffe, gardening expert at Power Sheds warns that since dehumidifier water is usually acidic, you should dilute it with regular tap water before using it.

Grey living room with yellow throw, berber rug and potted plants

Grey living room with yellow throw, berber rug and potted plants

So, the verdict? Yes, you can use dehumidifier water to water plants. But of course, just keep the above considerations in mind so you can ensure only health and wealth for your little plant babies.