Help fight the spread of invasive vegetation

Help fight the spread of invasive vegetation

I have often encouraged Marco Island residents to become better stewards of our land by learning good horticultural practices and to learn to identify and remove invasive, exotic plants from our landscapes, vacant lots and natural areas.

Many nonnative plants have been introduced accidentally or on purpose as garden plants or agricultural crops. Some of these nonnative plants have naturalized or spread on their own into our natural areas. When these plants spread extensively and displace native plants, they become invasive and cause damage to the native ecosystem.

You must manage natural areas to control these invasive species and minimize damage to native vegetation and soil. It takes time and caution to clear these natural areas of invasive species. Current methods being used to manage these nonnative plants include manual removal, mechanical removal, physical controls, herbicides and biological control. Each control can be used independently or in combination with one another.