Monarch butterfly is fast disappearing, but you can help it survive

Monarch butterfly is fast disappearing, but you can help it survive

We have just learned that the iconic monarch butterfly may be placed on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s endangered species list. The significant decline in the numbers of this beloved species, renowned for migrating thousands of miles across North America, is due to habitat loss and the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides throughout its natural range.

The monarch’s fascinating lifestyle is studied by children of all ages. Its metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly for three successive generations culminates in a fourth and final migratory generation which flies up to 3,000 miles to an exact location pinpointed by an incredible internal radar system. This remarkable multi-generational migration is a marvel of the natural world. The Eastern migratory butterfly has declined by 85%, while the Western population has lost 98% of its numbers, putting it at greater than 99% chance of extinction if nothing is done on its behalf.