Paint choices make all the difference in a compact home

Paint choices make all the difference in a compact home

Paint Choices Make all the Difference in a Compact Home






A sharp increase in interest rates
and the rising cost of living is putting
pressure on consumers to re-examine their
lifestyle choices, with downscaling being one of
the options for homeowners who are feeling
financially squeezed.

But it’s not only
those who are watching their wallets who are
making this move. ‘Empty-nesters’, whose kids
have grown up and left home to study or work,
are also looking to move into complexes and
residential estates in central locations. ‘A
smaller home with less maintenance appeals
particularly to this generation,’ notes Suvasin
Moodley, head of decorative marketing at
Plascon. ‘This is because selling a big home
frees up cash for new hobbies and longed-for
travel experiences. Plus, there’s more of a
community spirit in an estate than in a
neighbourhood with high walls and large





Individuals who work from
home and young families also tend to favour this
type of living arrangement, in which gyms,
squash or tennis courts, a golf course and even
jogging paths are laid on to encourage an active
lifestyle, and where kids can cycle and play in
the streets due to excellent security, vigilant
neighbours and regulated traffic speeds.






One of the adjustments these downscalers have to
make is in their interior décor choices for
their smaller living spaces, and paint colour
plays an important role in this.





‘While there is
likely to already be a recommended
neutral-spectrum colour code for the exterior of
a compact city-based townhouse estate, the
Plascon palette is truly your oyster when it
comes to its interior,’ says Moodley.





rule of thumb when creating an interior design
scheme, she says, is that neutrals, greys,
whites and rich bluey-greens all contribute
towards making an interior feel several degrees
more spacious, not to mention having a broader
appeal when it comes to re-selling. A fresh coat
of slightly off-white paint, like the popular
Plascon Ray of Light (07-A2-3), provides a
clean, updated look without minimising the
surrounding space.

In the living room
generally the epicentre of any small-scale home
– an inviting statement that doesn’t overpower
the entire room can be achieved by painting one
key wall a bold but soothing colour such as
Plascon Eye of the Storm (B7-C1-1). And adding
touches of a muted grey, such as Plascon Serene
Setting (B3-C2-2), around a large window, can
create a dynamic effect as the light changes.







In a space that leads out onto a garden or
– a bright and breezy hue – think Plascon
Whipped Cream (07-B2-3) – is a good bet for the
walls (and floors too), to bounce natural
sunlight all around the room. And for smaller
apartments on upper storeys that may feel far
from any soothing greenery, a choice like the
highly popular Plascon Mulberry Leaf (G1-C1-1),
especially in a study or as a feature wall
colour, is a natural friend in its ability to
offer much-needed eco-friendly calm.




the bedroom or bathroom
– where downtime in the
form of a snooze or a restorative soak in the
bath is typically sought, a soft, cool grey like
Plascon Ripple (34), or a warming neutral such
as Plascon Cream of Mushroom (32), may offer the
perfect cocooning effect.





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