Meet the Hondo Garden Club

Meet the Hondo Garden Club

HONDO, Texas – If you ever taken a drive and headed west on US Highway 90 and driven through the town of Hondo, you may have noticed the cozy cottage house called the Hondo Garden Club Thrift Shop. Inside of the cottage, you’ll find gently used clothes for adults and children, dinnerware, books and antiques….

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Gardening 101: Finally Fall planting

Gardening 101: Finally Fall planting

NORTH TEXAS ( – When I moved to North Texas from Nashville thirteen years ago, I was amazed to find out that we had three separate growing seasons here.  In the first one, you start to plant your vegetable crops in February – mostly greens and tomatoes. A second crop you start planting in March–May for…

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‘Gardening like the French’ is the foolproof way to produce a large harvest in small gardens and backyards

‘Gardening like the French’ is the foolproof way to produce a large harvest in small gardens and backyards

This practice was started in 16th-century France, where French Intensive gardening, also known as biodynamic gardening, helped produce a lot of yield in less space. By using methods such as deep digging, raised beds, close spacing, sun exposure, and companion planting, farmers were able to produce a healthy and substantial crop. While an ancient science,…

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