Gardening 101: Finally Fall planting

Gardening 101: Finally Fall planting

NORTH TEXAS ( – When I moved to North Texas from Nashville thirteen years ago, I was amazed to find out that we had three separate growing seasons here.  In the first one, you start to plant your vegetable crops in February – mostly greens and tomatoes. A second crop you start planting in March–May for…

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‘Gardening like the French’ is the foolproof way to produce a large harvest in small gardens and backyards

‘Gardening like the French’ is the foolproof way to produce a large harvest in small gardens and backyards

This practice was started in 16th-century France, where French Intensive gardening, also known as biodynamic gardening, helped produce a lot of yield in less space. By using methods such as deep digging, raised beds, close spacing, sun exposure, and companion planting, farmers were able to produce a healthy and substantial crop. While an ancient science,…

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Gardening 101: Fall color, finally

Gardening 101: Fall color, finally

NORTH TEXAS ( — Fall is starting to arrive—slowly.  And for gardeners like me, it can’t come soon enough. I don’t do my best garden work when it’s 100-plus degrees under a relentless sun. Fall arrives and I start working my dirt again.  The little bit of cooler weather and modest rain has helped perk…

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