Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Dan Evans Nicholas Otto Generally speaking, I believe myself to be a calm, rational person. I suspect most people think that about themselves, YouTube videos of public freakouts notwithstanding.  But like so many, I recently found myself at the business end of some pointed emotions — anger, disappointment and despair — at this most joyous-slash-stressful time of…

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Lawn wars: Garden tractor manufacturers, plumbing providers and more are lobbying against the US military’s right to repair its equipment

Lawn wars: Garden tractor manufacturers, plumbing providers and more are lobbying against the US military’s right to repair its equipment

The right to repair our devices is a bit of a hot-button issue these days, what with the European Parliament strengthening rules to protect consumer rights, and the odd public spat between major tech manufacturers and repair guide providers. You’d think, however, that the US military would have no trouble ensuring that the equipment it…

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Best home repair appliances: Manage minor electrical and plumbing like a pro, top 10 must-have repair tools for homes

Best home repair appliances: Manage minor electrical and plumbing like a pro, top 10 must-have repair tools for homes

Among the many challenges that modern households face, minor households will rank very high. Think of electrical repairs, minor masonry work, some plumbing leaks and repairs. Try calling a skilled professional and you may find that they are usually not easily available for minor works. In all scenarios, it is always a good idea to…

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Law changes make small plumbing jobs in own home legal again in WA

Law changes make small plumbing jobs in own home legal again in WA

In short: New legislation allows WA residents in their own home to legally undertake basic DIY plumbing tasks for the first time since 2000. Authorities acknowledged that many people have been undertaking this work themselves for years, stressing it was still important to use a licensed plumber for more complex work. What’s next? The Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of WA have welcomed the…

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