Lawn wars: Garden tractor manufacturers, plumbing providers and more are lobbying against the US military’s right to repair its equipment

Lawn wars: Garden tractor manufacturers, plumbing providers and more are lobbying against the US military’s right to repair its equipment

The right to repair our devices is a bit of a hot-button issue these days, what with the European Parliament strengthening rules to protect consumer rights, and the odd public spat between major tech manufacturers and repair guide providers. You’d think, however, that the US military would have no trouble ensuring that the equipment it buys from third party manufacturers was able to be repaired and maintained in-house.

Not so, according to a document obtained by 404 media. Multiple manufacturers that currently sell to the US military are lobbying against legislation that would require military contractors to make it easier to repair their equipment, which strikes as something of a bold move when you’re talking about standing in the way of the US Government and the most well-funded military in the world.