Year-round gardening: Annual garden tour returns to historic Colorado Springs neighborhoods | Lifestyle

Year-round gardening: Annual garden tour returns to historic Colorado Springs neighborhoods | Lifestyle

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend this year’s highly acclaimed Colorado Springs Garden Tour. By popular demand, this year’s tour returns to the Patty Jewett neighborhood (last toured in 2017) and includes the nearby Bonnyville neighborhood. Both have easy proximity to downtown Colorado Springs. In fact, most of the garden tour can be…

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Year-round color, a matter of timing

Year-round color, a matter of timing

With a little planning, you can have a shrub or tree in flower every month of the year. In today’s article, I will expand upon a topic that Dan Mullins wrote about. Mullins is an Emeritus UF/IFAS Horticulture Agent. He suggested that a gardener could observe the natural sequence of flowering throughout the year and…

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