Year-round gardening: Attracting birds to your Colorado garden | Lifestyle

Year-round gardening: Attracting birds to your Colorado garden | Lifestyle

It’s not too late to start waking up to the sound of bird calls in the morning. And it’s not too early to prep your garden to entice birds this coming spring.

In Colorado, 519 species of birds have been documented as of September 2022, according to the Colorado Bird Records Committee of Colorado Field Ornithologists. You won’t be able to attract all of them; many have specific requirements that are difficult to create in a backyard oasis. But as gardeners, we should do what we can to encourage these visitors.

Birds need water. It’s no surprise birdbaths are a go-to for even the most novice of gardeners. But they are not the only option. Any shallow pool or pond will work as long as it’s not too deep and the water is kept fresh. Adding a mister is a great way to attract hummingbirds — and insects!

Attracting insects might seem like a bad idea, but they are the primary food source for many bird species. A healthy ecosystem for birds will include healthy insect populations. Those hungry birds will control insect populations, eliminating the need for pesticides. Pesticides are harmful to birds, so it is best to use nonpesticide control to manage insects.

Shrubs and trees can provide shelter and food for birds. This is one of the more challenging aspects of attracting birds. It can be difficult to find the balance between trees that provide space for perching and nesting, and dense shrubs which provide cover.

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Also, fruiting trees and shrubs provide much needed nutrients for most birds. It is best to utilize a variety to encourage birds of all kinds to spend time in your yard.

While there are numerous trees and shrubs that have the above qualifications, birds have been found to prefer plants that are native to their region.

Keep native trees and shrubs in mind to attract native birds! Try these native favorites: Smooth Sumac — Rhus glabra; Golden Currant — Ribes aurem; Serviceberry — Amelanchier alnifolia; and Western Sand Cherry — Prunus besseyi.

If you don’t have all of these bird necessities in your yard, don’t worry. Trees and shrubs do very well when planted in autumn. Today is a great day to get started on your bird oasis.

Submit gardening questions to [email protected] or call 719-520-7684. The in-person help desk is open 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at 17 N. Spruce St. Find us on Facebook at Colorado Master Gardeners – El Paso County.

Submit gardening questions to [email protected] or call 719-520-7684. The in-person help desk is open 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at 17 N. Spruce St. Find us on Facebook at Colorado Master Gardeners – El Paso County.