What to know about painting your home in Arizona

What to know about painting your home in Arizona

Q: I would like to paint my house this spring, but I am afraid the weather is too cool.

A: Exterior painting in Arizona can be challenging during cold and hot weather. Most of the time, temperatures should be between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit to paint. That leaves a limited window of time when it is safe to paint outdoors. 

We have good news! Sam Hettinger of Arizona Painting Company tells us about a new product from Sherwin Williams called Latitude that extends the exterior painting window to a low of 32 degrees and a high of 120 degrees. That significantly extends the available outside painting months to almost year-round in our desert regions as well as some of the cooler climates up north and at higher elevations. 

Latitude is an acrylic latex paint product with proprietary additives allowing for greater temperature variations. It comes with a 7-year warranty when applied in two coats, sprayed on and back-rolled. 

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If you are on a tight schedule to get an exterior paint job, they now have a way to meet your schedule within a wider range of temperatures. 

Most of the time, temperatures should be between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit to paint.

Q: The painting company I chose offers different warranties for their work. What determines the length of the warranties?

A: Several different factors determine the warranty of a paint job, including the policy of each company. Generally, the determining factors include the brand of paint used, how it is applied and the company that applies it. 

According to Hettinger, typical warranties available are seven years, 10 years and 15 years. The primary difference is in how the product is applied and used.

The 10- to 15-year warranties are provided on jobs when the paint is applied in two or even three coats, and each coat is back-rolled after spraying. A job with one or two coats will have a 7-year warranty.

Examples of products used for longer warranty periods are Sherwin Williams paints labeled Duration or Emerald, which garner longer warranties as they are heftier paints. 

Application rates also play a part in warranty duration. The more paint used over the surface area (the spread rate), the better the warranty.

Q: Is it safe to stay in my home while it is painted?

A: Some people love the smell of fresh paint. However, the odor from fresh paint is caused by Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which can be problematic to those with environmental sensitivities. Different paints have different levels of VOCs.

Exterior paints with higher VOC levels are less disruptive than interior paint products. Closing doors and windows until the paint is dry is generally good enough to keep the vapors from seeping inside and bothering the residents. 

It is highly recommended that a low or 0% VOC product is used when painting indoors. Hettinger uses a product called Super Paint with Air Purifying Technology. This paint helps reduce the VOCs from the air. 

One choice to avoid exposure to the painting process is to live somewhere else until the project is finished. If residents are home, the painting company can take steps to protect the residents. They can:

  • Seal each room individually with tape and plastic to separate it from the rest of the house.
  • Seal the registers and, when appropriate, seal the air returns.
  • Painters apply paint in sections, leaving some rooms occupiable while others are painted.

Cutting to the chase here, painting your home will have some impact on you and your family. If you are susceptible to odors, having the painting done by a trusted contractor while on vacation may be a good idea. 

Q: What are the color trends for this year?

A: The best color trend is the one you like. But according to designers, they are observing that white and black contrasting color schemes are still popular for exterior paint. Trends in the interiors of homes are moving away from grays to warmer tones that include beige and warm pastel colors. 

From our attendance at the International Builders Show and the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Las Vegas, we have found that greens are driving recent color trends. 

In any case, we recommend that whichever painting company you choose, you consult their color specialist. These folks will look at your household finishes like flooring, tile work, cabinets and counter colors, along with your furniture and artwork, and present color options that work best for your home. 

Q: Should I do this project myself or hire a professional?

A: We know that many homeowners will likely lean toward DIY when it comes to painting. We asked Hettinger to share his thoughts and experiences regarding this decision. He emphasized that professional preparation makes all the difference in the final product. A job that has been prepped properly will have a quality result.

For instance, drywall holes and ceiling cracks require expertise. One example is drywall repairs in the ceiling. Done correctly, an inch of drywall on each side of a crack should be removed before repairing the damage with drywall, drywall tape and compound before painting.

Part of the decision-making process is asking yourself how handy you are at prepping drywall holes and cracks.

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