Why are hummingbird numbers declining? | Local News

Why are hummingbird numbers declining? | Local News

During the height of the pandemic, when most of us were working from home, I was sent a link to a recorded Zoom video about horticultural therapy. I had never heard of horticultural therapy, but during the presentation, I learned that it is a professional practice used to improve lives by connecting people with plants.

Being a plant lover, a horticulturalist, and an instructor for Arizona Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Program, I was hooked. I enrolled in a certificate program and began the process to become a registered horticultural therapist.

The next Master Gardener class will be in-person starting on January 23, meeting on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in Flagstaff. For more information, go to: https://extension.arizona.edu/coconino-master-gardener.

After nearly five years as an instructor for Arizona Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Program, Gayle Gratop has accepted a new position with Coconino Cooperative Extension as the Assistant Agent for Family, Consumer, and Health Sciences. Her work will include horticultural therapy, supporting school gardens, and food preservation throughout the county.