5 Best Herbs To Grow During Monsoon Season

5 Best Herbs To Grow During Monsoon Season

The monsoon season brings much-needed rain and cooler temperatures, making it an ideal time to cultivate a lush and thriving home garden for every plant lover. For herb enthusiasts, this season offers a perfect opportunity to grow a variety of herbs that can grow well in moist and humid conditions. Here’s a guide to the best herbs to grow during the monsoon season in your home garden, ensuring a fresh harvest throughout the year:

Best Herbs To Grow During Monsoon Season

1. Mint

Mint is one of the easiest herbs to grow and thrives in the monsoon season. It loves the moisture that the rain provides and can quickly spread, making it ideal for container gardening. Plant mint in well-draining soil and ensure it gets partial sunlight. Mint can be used in a range of dishes and salads.

2. Coriander


Coriander is another herb that flourishes during the monsoon and has a cooling effect on the body, as per NurseryLive. This herb prefers cool, moist conditions, making the rainy season perfect for its growth. Sow coriander seeds directly into the soil or in pots with good drainage. Coriander leaves are a staple in many cuisines, adding a fresh, citrusy flavour to dishes.

3. Basil

Basil also known as Tulsi thrives in the humid conditions of the monsoon season, although it does require a well-draining soil to avoid root rot, as per Fowanaturals. Basil prefers sunlight, so ensure it gets at least 4-6 hours of indirect light. This herb is great for adding flavour to dishes like pasta, salads, and soups. This Ayurvedic medicine is known for its various health benefits. (How To Grow Fresh Basil In A Bottle)

4. Parsley

Parsley is another best herb that grows well during the monsoon season, as per The Affordable Organic Store. It appreciates the cooler temperatures and consistent moisture. Parsley can be grown in pots or garden beds with rich, well-draining soil. Parsley is a very commonly grown herb that you can easily grow in your home garden. It’s a versatile herb used in a variety of recipes, from garnishes to soups.

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5. Thyme


Thyme is a flavourful herb and a culinary staple. This herb can handle the fluctuating weather conditions of the monsoon. It prefers well-draining soil and can thrive in a sunny spot or partial shade. As per Fowanaturals, “This herb is packed with vitamins and minerals and is known for its antiseptic and expectorant properties.”

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Tips for Growing Herbs In Monsoon Season:

Herbs In Monsoon Season

i) Ensure that your pots or garden beds have good drainage to prevent waterlogging as this can lead to root rot.

ii) While the monsoon season provides good and plenty of rain, herbs still need sunlight. So choose a location accordingly that offers partial sunlight.

iii) Use well-draining soil rich in organic matter.

iv) The humidity during monsoon can attract pests and insects. So keep a check on the common herb pests and treat them accordingly with natural solutions if necessary.

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Image credit: Freepik