Garden tours and seed swops: NParks launches slew of free gardening-related activities

Garden tours and seed swops: NParks launches slew of free gardening-related activities

SINGAPORE – Plant lovers can now sign up for free gardening-related activities in a new initiative meant to encourage those with green fingers to spread the joys of gardening to the wider community.

The new Grow and Share initiative was launched on March 13 to mark 20 years of the National Park Board’s (NParks) nationwide Community in Bloom programme.

National Development Minister Desmond Lee said the programme, which has promoted community gardening since 2005, had “blossomed” in the last two decades.

In a Facebook post on March 13, he said: “From less than 200 groups in 2005, we have now expanded to over 2,000 gardening groups, bringing together more than 48,000 gardening enthusiasts from all walks of life!”

“Over the decades, Community in Bloom has not only fostered the joys of gardening, but it has also strengthened bonds among residents.” 

The public can register for gardening events under the latest Grow and Share initiative from now, NParks said in a statement on March 13.

These will run till Nov 15 and fall into any of five broad categories: Educational and cultural celebrations, wellness, sustainability, community care and artistic.

Things like garden tours, gardening workshops, therapeutic horticulture activities and healthy cooking demonstrations are on the menu.

For the eco-conscious, there are seed swops or upcycling classes, while creatives can expect garden photography and botanical sketching sessions.

The line-up is still growing but there are currently 12 confirmed events slated to start from April 1.

Ms Constance Chow, a 73-year-old community gardener from Nee Soon, said: “I love the sense of community and connection that comes with gardening alongside others and the joy of seeing our collective efforts bear fruit is truly fulfilling.”

Ms Chow, who is in her 15th year in the Community in Bloom programme, added that she hopes to share her experience of the Grow and Share initiative with the community, and bring people together to adopt sustainable gardening practices.

NParks said that celebrations will culminate in its first Horticulture Festival, which will be held at the HortPark in August.

Gardeners can also sign up for the horticultural competition and community garden edibles competition from March 13.

Launched in 2019, the horticultural competition is a contest for the best blooms in four categories – air plants, aroids, begonias and succulents. Entries are judged based on their overall form, health and size.

The community garden edibles competition, introduced in 2015, recognises the abilities of local gardeners to grow quality harvests, said NParks.

It features 10 categories, including two new edible categories this year – herbs and leafy vegetables.

The top entries from both competitions will be displayed at the Horticultural Festival, where the winners will be announced.

For more information on activities under the Grow and Share initiative, visit

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