Henderson residents in limbo after city identifies dangerous plumbing issues

Henderson residents in limbo after city identifies dangerous plumbing issues

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Approximately 85 families in Henderson are left in limbo in the Somerset Park Townhome community due to major plumbing issues.

The city of Henderson determined that residents could not live there unless urgent repairs were made, but the new property management company says it doesn’t have the money. On Monday, residents were notified by letter that the community water system was not in compliance with the law and needed repairs.

“The letter is telling us we have until September 10th to evacuate,” shared Kendra Day, a mom of six children living in the community. “It has been extremely, extremely frustrating. I couldn’t even work. I tried to get answers, tried to get help. I don’t know where me and my kids are going to go.”

Ruptured pipes resulting in flooded streets can be seen throughout the Somerset Park Townhome community. One area was so flooded, residents say a sinkhole opened up and a car got trapped in it.

Once that happened, the city came in and they closed it off so we can’t park in our driveways,” explained Irene Montano, a Somerset Park Townhome owner. The city made an emergency repair and spotted a number of major issues: damage to the roads, parking lots, and potentially the structures themselves. They now say:

“The water distribution system…is creating an imminent hazard to health, safety, and welfare of the public. As a result…The City of Henderson may need to terminate water service to the Somerset Park community.” The homeowners report paying more than $300 a month in HOA fees. Their question: where is all the money paid over the years now? “This was pretty much a safe haven until now, so I just don’t know what I am going to do now,” cried Montano, a grandma with a special needs toddler at home who works two jobs in order to make her mortgage. Husband and wife Sarah D’Amato and Rick Martinez say being able to buy a home two months ago in such a tough housing market was the American Dream, now turned unexpected nightmare. “It is absolutely heartbreaking because we put so much money on a down payment… It is very scary to know our house, we are going to end up losing it if nothing happens and we are still going to have to pay a mortgage,” Martinez contended.

FOX5 reached out to the old HOA management company. Their phone is disconnected and their website is down. Again, the new management company for the HOA told the city they do not have the money for repairs. FOX5 also reached out to them Tuesday evening to see if they would be offering any other kind of help to residents and so far, we have not heard back.

Approximately 85 families in Henderson are left in limbo in the Somerset Park Townhome community due to major plumbing issues.

The City of Henderson is hosting informational meetings for residents Wednesday and Thursday. Both meetings will be at the Henderson North Community Police Station from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day.

The city also shared information for the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for those living in Somerset Park: [email protected] or (702) 545-2398

Here is the full statement from the City of Henderson to FOX5:

“On August 26, the City of Henderson contacted residents and owners of Somerset Park community to inform them of the failed private water distribution system that has created a danger to life, health and safety of the residents and the public.

The Somerset Park Homeowners Association is ultimately responsible for repairs; however, the HOA management company has indicated that they do not have the financial means to complete the necessary repairs.

The safety of our residents is a top priority. If the HOA is unable to implement a repair plan, the City will consider any necessary and appropriate steps to protect the residents of Somerset Park and the City.

We are diligently working with the residents affected by providing information and resources for housing and legal aid. In the absence of the HOA, the City has installed fall protection and traffic control barricades, to prevent injuries and further damage to personal property.

The City of Henderson urges the HOA to immediately implement a repair plan to eliminate the danger to the life, health and safety of the Somerset Park residents.”