Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Suddenly rare flooring and Napa home repair

Dan Evans Nicholas Otto Generally speaking, I believe myself to be a calm, rational person. I suspect most people think that about themselves, YouTube videos of public freakouts notwithstanding.  But like so many, I recently found myself at the business end of some pointed emotions — anger, disappointment and despair — at this most joyous-slash-stressful time of…

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Concord Flooring Among World’s First Adopters of EFI Cubik Single-Pass Inkjet Printer for Wood

Concord Flooring Among World’s First Adopters of EFI Cubik Single-Pass Inkjet Printer for Wood

Unique production-level single-pass digital inkjet printer for decoration on building materials, including wood Londonderry, NH, November 28, 2023 – EFI™ today reported that Concord Flooring, located in Corona, California, is one of the first companies in the world to adopt EFI Cubik with Mineral Inks, an innovative digital single-pass printing solution for printing on wood. EFI…

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